Research Interests
I am currently a research scientist in the Center for Predictive Engineering and Computational Science at the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES). Formerly I worked in the Computational Mechanics and Geometry lab (CMGLab) of Aerospace Engineering Sciences at CU boulder, and the Computational Hydraulics Group (CHG).
Some applications problems of particular interest include: computational fluid dynamics, turbulence, nonlinear plasma physics, kinetic theory, MHD, electromagnetics, structure-fluid interaction, plasma-material interaction, multiphase geophysical flows, storm surge, magnetic confinement fusion, tokamaks, stellarators, multicomponent reactor chemistry, etc. My technical research interests include design, implementation, and analysis of large-scale computational methodologies for science and engineering applications, high order numerical methods, structure preservation, geometric methods, uncertainty quantification, model adequacy, optimization, adaptibility, control, sensitivity, scalability, etc.
Listed below are some of my coding projects.
Codebase: DG-SWEM Role: Design, implementation, analysis, developement Languages: Fortran, Python Availability: github repo Documentation: Input files, Wiki, User group Description: DG-SWEM (discontinuous Galerkin shallow water equation model) is a high order accurate modal DG code on unstructured meshes. Links: ADCIRC, CHG, CHL
Codebase: ArcOn Role: Design, implementation, analysis, developement Language: C++, C Supplement: deal.ii, PETSc, p4est Availability: github repo Description: ArcOn is a plasma physics engine aimed at analyzing convection-dominated plasma dynamics (e.g. in tokamaks) to very high order accuracy. Links: IFS
Codebase: Quiescent Role: Design, implementation, analysis, developement Language: C++ Supplement: deal.ii Availability: github Description: Quiescent is a multicomponent hp-adaptive reaction diffusion system, aimed at studying reactor dynamics where convection can be neglected.