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National Science Foundation/European Commission Workshop: Methods in Computational Materials Science

EC/NSF Report now available at http://www.itamit.dtc.umn.edu/nsfreport.php



Workshop location

San Francisco Marriott Hotel
55 Fourth Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
415-442-6755 Phone
415-442-0141 Fax

Workshop purpose

In preparation for a joint call for proposals for collaborative efforts between US researchers and their European counterparts, the Division of Materials Research at NSF is organizing a joint workshop with the European Commission on methods in computational materials science. The goal of the workshop is to explore and assess current opportunities in computational materials science. New computational methods for understanding and predicting materials properties and phenomena will be examined. Of particular interest are those properties and phenomena that span multiple time and length scales and require multiscale modeling to compute the essential science. Representative areas of materials science to be covered include crystal growth, surface adsorption, structural defects such as lattice mismatch and grain boundaries, microstructural evolution, crack formation and propagation, melting and diffusion, spintronics, molecular and nano-electronics, and quantum dots.

The workshop will be held on April 15 and 16, 2004 in San Francisco during the week of the Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, also held in San Francisco that week. Several scientists from the US and from the European Union are being invited. The format of the meeting will include presentations by scientists from the US and the EU, followed by discussions held in small groups in areas of common interest. A report would be issued following the meeting.

Dates of the Workshop: April 15 and 16

Conference Site and Hotel Information



Program Abstracts