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Organization Chart

ITAMIT organization

Science Board: Jim Chelikowsky (Director), Yousef Saad (Associate Director), Renata Wentzcovitch, Steve Louie (UC Berkeley), Efthimios Kaxiras (Harvard), Andreas Stathopoulos (William and Mary)

Industrial Board: J.R. Smith (Delphi), D.J. Chadi (NEC), Gaddi Haase (Texas Instruments), S. Shankar (Intel), A. Diebold (SEMATECH), C. Thomas (3M), and D. Allan (Corning)

International Board: N. Binggeli (ITP Trieste), M. Scheffler (Max Planck), L. Kronik (Weizmann), A. Rubio (DIPC, San Sebastian), and J.L. Martins (INESC).