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Calendar of Events (University of Minnesota)

Past Events

Date Event
August 6–7 Workshop on the Advanced Materials in Information Technology
April 15–16 Workshop: Methods in Computational Materials Science

Seminars, Friday, 3:30 p.m., 404 Walter Library
November 12, 2004 Costas Bekas, University of Minnesota, “Estimating the Diagonal of a Matrix with Matrix-Vector Products: An Application in Density Matrices”
October 22, 2004 Leeor Kronik, Weizmann Institute, Israel “Coding the Electronic Structure Problem in Real Space”
October 8, 2004 Xiangyang Huang, University of Minnesota “Quantum Confinement in Nanowires and Quantum Dots”
September 24, 2004 Yunkai Zhou, University of Minnesota, “Block Krylov-Schur method for symmetric eigenproblem”
September 15, 2004 Lingzhu Kong, University of Minnesota, “Algorithms for Molecular Electronics.”
July 21, 2004 Serdar Ogut, University of Illinois at Chicago, “Atomic Scale Characterization of the Pt/TiO_2 Interfaces.”
July 14, 2004 Renata Wentzcovitch, University of Minnesota, “Spin-Polarization in Co_x Fe_1-xS_2 Alloys.”
July 7, 2004 Dan Frisbie, University of Minnesota, “Organic Semiconductors.”
June 23, 2004 Xiangyang Huang, University of Minnesota, “Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Magnetic Quantum Dots”
May 19, 2004 Murilo Tiago, University of Minnesota, “Real Space Methods for the Optical Properties of Quantum Dots”
May 3, 2004 Constatine Bekas, “Automatic Multi-level Substructuring Methods (AMLS)”
April 28, 2004 Yunkai Zhou, University of Minnesota, “Eigenvalue Solvers”
April 26, 2004
(Special Time)
Jeff Neaton, University of California at Berkeley, “First Principle Scattering State Approach for Electron Transport Through Nanostructures”
April 13, 2004
(Special Time)
Susann Shontz, Cornell University, “Efficient Numerical Methods for Mesh Warping”
April 7, 2004 Shiv Gowda, University of Minnesota, “Efficient Algorithms for Time Dependent Density Functional Calculations”
March 3, 2004 Murilo Tiago, University of Minnesota, “Optical Excitations in Organic Molecules”
February 25, 2004 Leeor Kronik, Weizmann Institute of Science, “Forces in Molecular Excited States”
February 18, 2004 Spencer Shellman, University of Minnesota, “High Performance Algorithms for Materials”
February 11, 2004 Shen Li, University of Minnesota, “Electronic and Structural Properties of Transition Metal Clusters”

Date Event
December 3 DTC group meeting at 4pm, Room B28 Walter Library. Speaker Dr. Xiangyang Huang.
November 12 Group Meeting: Room B28, DTC