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spectralBisection.h File Reference

Defines functions to perform spectral bisection. More...

#include "graph.h"
#include <vector>

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std::vector< int > spectralBisection (Graph G)
 Performs spectral bisection on a graph. More...
std::vector< int > getIndexMap (std::vector< double > Eigvec2)
 Gets the index map for the reordered graph. More...

Detailed Description

Defines functions to perform spectral bisection.

Gopal Yalla and Tim Smith

Spectral Bisection

The main computation in solving the page rank problem reduces to a matrix vector multiplication. For large data sets, the problem can be solved more efficeitnly by performing the matvecs in parallel. However, any part of the matvec operation cooresponding to data in the off-diagonal blocks of the matrix requires between node/processor communication. This is shown in the following figure where there are 4 processors in total.

Clearly the cost of the matvec will be proportional to the number of edges across processors. If the matrix is sparse, we can reduce the amount of communication by reordering the matrix before the matvec in a way that reduces the number of off diagonal entries. For relatively small data sets, spectral bisection can be used to determine this reordered. The steps of spectral bisection include

  1. Form the adjacency matrix of a graph G
  2. Form the graph laplacian of G
  3. Compute the second smallest eigenvalue of graph laplacian.
  4. Sort nodes based on median of the second eigenvalue of the graph laplacian.

An example of this process is shown below.

Arnoldi iteration is used to compute the second smallest eigenvalue (through ARPACK). For larger datasets, this process is too expensive and so the matrix must first be coarsened before applying spectral bisection. See coarsen.h for more information on the coarsening process.

Function Documentation

std::vector<int> getIndexMap ( std::vector< double >  Eigvec2)

Gets the index map for the reordered graph.

Eigvec2Vector cooresponding to the second eigenvalue
indices of reordered graph based on eigenvalue
std::vector<int> spectralBisection ( Graph  G)

Performs spectral bisection on a graph.

GGraph object
indices of reordered graph

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