Thomas J.R. Hughes
Peter O’Donnell Jr. Chair in Computational and Applied Mathematics
Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
The University of Texas at Austin
Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (formerly ICES)
201 East 24th Street, C0200
Austin, TX 78712-1229 USA
Phone: 512-232-7775 | Fax: 512-232-7508 |
Administrative Associates: Sara Anderson
Phone: 512-232-7775 | Fax: 512-232-7508 (During Covid, forget about telephones. No one is there. Send emails.)

Computational Mechanics Group picture, 5th floor stairway of the Peter O’Donnell Building, UT, September 15th, 2018. From bottom to top, from left to right (more or less): René Hiemstra, Lulin Quan, Michael Abdelmalik (Skyped picture on the computer), Tom Hughes, Naznin Sultana, Baidoo Frimpong, Jeff Cochran, Davide D’Angella, Hiroshi Hasebe, Kendrick Shepherd, Michael Johnson, Deepesh Toshniwal. Hey, that’s the same picture as last year. Yes, that’s right. We didn’t take a new ;picuter because of Covid. There have been some changes: René is a Postdoc in Hannover, Germany, working with Dominik Schillinger, Deepesh is an Asssitant Professor of Mathematics at the Techi=nical University of Delft, The Netherlands, Lulin joined Apple, Nzmin is also in industry, Davide is back at Technical University of Munich, and Hiroshi is back at Nihon University. Those are the people that have gone. We have added postdocs Guillermo Lorenzo and Zhihui Zou, and a new student, Matt Goldberg this past year. Obviously, he visitor situation is in a state of abeyance. Shalie wasn’t in the picture but she is still a member of the group workin out of Houston. Various members of the gruop have located themselves remotely.

Computational Mechanics Group picture, 5th floor stairway of the Peter O’Donnell Building, UT, September 15th, 2016. From bottom to top, from left to right (more or less): Travis Luo (Alice’s little boy, the youngest member of the Computational Mechanics Group), Hongyu Alice Zhu, Kendrick Shepherd, Tom Hughes, Michael Johnson, Benjamin Marussig, Fred Nugen, Shaolie Hossain, Travis Sanders, Deepesh Toshniwal, Ben Urick, Jacob Salazar, Zach Wilson, Aleksander Pedersen. Missing: René Hiemstra was in Dallas at the time of the photo,
The mission of the Oden Institute Computational Mechanics Group (CMG) is to pursue research and development in computational mechanics and to promote Ph.D. and post-doctoral education in the discipline. Activities span fundamental mathematical investigations, the development of new and powerful computational methods and algorithms, and engineering and scientific applications.
A current focus of the CMG is isogeometric analysis, an integrated vision of computational geometry and analysis aimed at unifying the disparate methods and data structures of Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA), and breaking the current bottleneck in the translation of CAGD representations to FEA models. Isogeometric analysis provides a unique geometric foundation to product development, from design through analysis. In the few years since its inception, isogeometric analysis has become the most active research area of computational mechanics, attracting investigators from mathematics, computer science and engineering.
Other current CMG research topics are catheter-based nanoparticle drug delivery systems, the growth and adaptation of cerebral and abdominal aneurysms, fluid-structure interaction of bioprosthetic heart valves, new numerical algorithms for phase field models with applications to multiphase flows and the growth of prostrate tumors; the basal boundary condition of the west Antarctic ice sheet, simulation of brittle and ductile fracture, and the development of new discretization technologies for computational structural mechanics and fluid dynamics, including T-splines, divergence- and curl-conforming B-splines, and boundary element methods using hierarchically refined spline bases.
Close collaborations exist with the Oden Institute Center for Computational Geosciences & Optimization, Center for Predictive Engineering & Computational Sciences, Computational Visualization Center, Center for Cardiovascular Simulation, and several U.S. and international universities.
Affiliated Faculty
• Kallivokas, Loukas
Post-doctoral Researchers
• Quan, Lulin
• Abdelmalik, Michael
• Lorenzo, Guillermo
• Shepherd, Kendrick
• Johnson, Michael
• Cochran, Jeff
• Frimpong, Baidoo
• Goldberg, Matt