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matrixOperations.h File Reference

TODO: We should add information about the page rank problem here and how it reduces to a matvec / solve. I forgot how we solved it actually so we should try to add comments about all this stuff. More...

#include "graph.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>

Go to the source code of this file.


std::vector< CSC_MATRIXgetSubMatrices (Graph G)
double getAij (CSC_MATRIX A, int i, int j)
int saveMatrixToFile (CSC_MATRIX A, std::string filename)
std::vector< CSC_MATRIXdivideVec (CSC_MATRIX X)
int writeTimingToFile (std::vector< std::vector< double > > &timeKeeper, std::string filename, int coarsen_levels)
std::vector< double > CSC_singleMatVec (CSC_MATRIX A, CSC_MATRIX X)
std::vector< double > CSC_globalMatVec (std::vector< CSC_MATRIX > Mats, std::vector< CSC_MATRIX > X)
CSC_MATRIX convertVecToCSC (std::vector< double > b)
CSC_MATRIX getDegreeMatrix (Graph G)
int applyDinv (CSC_MATRIX D, CSC_MATRIX &x)
int applyScalar (std::vector< double > &v, double Scalar)
int addVector (std::vector< double > &b, std::vector< double > v)
double computeResidual (std::vector< double > bn1, std::vector< double > bn)
std::vector< double > iterSolver (Graph G, std::vector< double > v, double alpha)
int reorderVec (std::vector< double > &b, std::vector< int > indMap)
int saveCSCMatrixToFile (Graph G, std::string filename)

Detailed Description

TODO: We should add information about the page rank problem here and how it reduces to a matvec / solve. I forgot how we solved it actually so we should try to add comments about all this stuff.


Generated on Thu Oct 11 2018 12:36:17 for by  doxygen 1.8.5