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Installation and Usage

Installation and Usage


To get the latest version of sparc, clone from github via:

SPARC makes use of the following packages:

which requires blas and lapack, as well as a fortran and c++ compiler. Use the 'make dep' target in the Makefile to aid in installation. After building BOOST and ARPACK, edit the variables BOOST_DIR and ARPACK_DIR at the top of the Makefile to point to the root path for each package. Additionally, make sure the blas and lapack libraries are specified correctly.

After building the required packages, issue a make command in the root directory to see all available targets, i.e.,

> make
Available make targets:
  all       : build main program
  check     : build and run test suite
  doc       : build documentation (doxygen page)
  dep       : build dependencies

There is also the following PHONY targets in the Makefile: clean, clobber. Note, only the Makefile in the root directory should be called directly. To build sparc, run

> make all

To verify that the software is working properly, a test option is provided to run a short suite of functionality tests against the local build. To run, issue a 'make check' to initiate the tests. If succesful, output similar to the following will be generated:

> make check
Running Simple Graph Test
Initalizing graph from: simple_graph.dat
Successfully computed neighbors
Successfully computed adjacency matrix in CSC format
Successfully computed graph laplacian in CSC format
Successfully computed smallest two eigenvalues
PASSED: Simple Graph Test
Running Complex Graph Test
Initalizing graph from: complex_graph.dat
Successfully computed adjacency matrix in CSC format
Successfully computed graph laplacian in CSC format
--->Graph coloring computed (Time: 6.7e-05)
--->Maximal matching computed (Time: 1.2e-05)
--->Parent graph computed (Time: 9e-06)
--->Graph coloring computed (Time: 2.1e-05)
--->Maximal matching computed (Time: 1.8e-05)
--->Parent graph computed (Time: 4e-06)
--->Computing adjacency matrix (Time: 0)
--->Computing graph laplacian (Time: 0)
--->Getting second eigenvector with Arpack++ (Time: 0)
--->Getting index Map (Time: 0)
PASSED: Complex Graph Test
Running Complex Graph Test
Initalizing graph from: corner_cases_graph.dat
Successfully computed adjacency matrix in CSC format
Successfully computed graph laplacian in CSC format
PASSED: Corner Cases Graph Test
Running Graph Coarsening Test
Initalizing graph from: coarsen_test.dat
Successfully colored graph in 2.9e-05 sec
Successfully computed maximal matching in 9e-06 sec
--->Graph coloring computed (Time: 3.7e-05)
--->Maximal matching computed (Time: 6e-06)
--->Parent graph computed (Time: 6e-06)
Successfully coarsened graph in 6.6e-05 sec
PASSED: Coarsening Test
Running OpenMP Test
Setting num_threads to 1
Rerunning coarsen test with multiple threads ... 
Running Graph Coarsening Test
Initalizing graph from: coarsen_test.dat
Successfully colored graph in 2.8e-05 sec
Successfully computed maximal matching in 9e-06 sec
--->Graph coloring computed (Time: 2.7e-05)
--->Maximal matching computed (Time: 7e-06)
--->Parent graph computed (Time: 6e-06)
Successfully coarsened graph in 5.6e-05 sec
PASSED: Coarsening Test
Initalizing graph from: complex_graph.dat
--->Graph coloring computed (Time: 3.7e-05)
--->Maximal matching computed (Time: 9e-06)
--->Parent graph computed (Time: 7e-06)
--->Computing adjacency matrix (Time: 0)
--->Computing graph laplacian (Time: 0)
--->Getting second eigenvector with Arpack++ (Time: 0)
--->Getting index Map (Time: 0)
Running Matrix Manipulation Test
Initalizing graph from: matrixOperations.dat
Successfully computed sub matrices in CSC format
Successfully divide vector in CSC format
Successfully performed Matvec
--->Approximate Matvec Time: 1e-06
--->Converged in 43 iterations. Residual = 8.7564e-15
Successfully solved system with iterative solver
Successfully reordered vector
PASSED: Matrix Operations Test


The main way to interact with sparc is through the command line. Running a './sparc -h' command will show the following message:

> ./sparc -h
Usage: ./sparc [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENT]
Allowed Options:
  -h [ --help ]                   show this mesage and exit
  -f [ --graphFile ] arg          (required) file containing initial graph data
  -t [ --telFile ] arg (=NONE)    file containing teleportation vector data
  -a [ --alpha ] arg (=0.5)       Set probability praramer alpha
  -c [ --coarse_levels ] arg (=0) Set coarsen levels
  -n [ --noSB ]                   Don't do spectral bisection. Just solve
                                  pagerank problem with original graph.
  -p [ --nprocs ] arg (=1)        Set number of procs

An example run would look like:

> ./sparc -f data/facebook_combined.txt -c 4 

This specifies to solve the page rank problem using the data from 'facebook_combined.txt' with spectral bisection after four levels of coarsening. A uniform teleportation vector is used by default.

Another example would be

> ./sparc -f data/facebook_combined.txt -t data/VinFile10Facebook.dat -a 0.1

This specifies to solve the page rank problem using data from 'facebook_combined.txt' with spectral bisection without any coarsening and to use the information in 'VinFile10Facebook.dat' as the teleportation vector, and a probability parameter of 0.1.

The results will be written to the output/ directory and can be plotted using the post processing scripts.

Note, the first line of the data file must contain the number of nodes and edges, e.g.,

4039 88234
0 1
0 2
0 3
... (88234)
4023 4038
4026 4030
4027 4031
4027 4032
4027 4038
4031 4038

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