Courses Taught at Purdue University
- CS414 Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Spring 1987
- CS435 Computer Graphics, Fall 1993, Fall 1994, Fall 1995, Spring 1996, Fall 1996.
- CS482 Introduction to Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Spring 1986
- CS484 Introduction to Theory of Computation, Spring 1985
- CS541 Files and Database Structures and Systems, Fall 1984
- CS572 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Spring 1989, Spring 1993
- CS574 Advanced Computer Graphics, Fall 1989
- CS580 Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Fall 1985, Spring 1992
- CS584 Theory of Computation and Computational Complexity, Spring 1988, Spring 1994
- CS586 Algorithmic Robotics, Fall 1991, Fall 1992, Spring 1996
- CS590R Geometric Modeling and Motion Planning, Fall 1986, Spring 1988, Fall 1988
- CS590Z Introduction to Scientific Data Visualization, Spring 1994, Spring 1997
Courses taught at The University of Texas at Austin