M 383D/CSE 386D Methods of Applied Mathematics II.

M 383D, Unique #53705     and     CSE 386D, Unique #62925
Spring 2019     


Prof. Todd Arbogast
Office: RLM 11.162, Phone: 512-471-0166
Office: POB 5.334, Phone: 512-475-8628
E-Mail: arbogast@ices.utexas.edu
Office hours: W 10-11:30 and Th 8:40-10:00. Also, unless the instructor has pressing business, he will be available to help students who find him in one of his offices.

Teaching Assistant:



A bound set of lecturer-prepared notes (2018 version) was be available for purchase in the Fall from the UT Copy Center, Union location, UNB 2.214. If you need a copy, let the Instructor know.


MWF 9:00-10:00 a.m., RLM 11.176.

Class Web Sites:

We will use the University's Canvas web site. Please check that your scores are recorded correctly in Canvas. You can access Canvas from my.utexas.edu.

Homework, Exams, and Grades:

Homework will be assigned regularly. Students are encouraged to work in groups; however, each student must write up his or her own work. Two mid-term exams will be given in approximately weeks six and eleven (the weeks of Feb. 25 and April 8). These will be scheduled in the late afternoon or evening, to allow more time for the exam. The final exam will be comprehensive and given Friday, May 17, 9:00-12:00 noon. Grades will be recorded in the University Canvas system, so students can check their scores directly. The final grade will use the plus/minus system and be based on the homework and the three exams, with somewhat greater emphasis on the final exam.

Course Description:

This is the second semester of a course on methods of applied mathematics. It is open to mathematics, science, engineering, and finance students. It is suitable to prepare graduate students for the Applied Mathematics II Preliminary Exam in mathematics and the second half of the Area A-CAM Option Preliminary Exam in CSEM. The first semester was an introduction to functional analysis, and the second semester builds upon it.

Semester I.

  1. Preliminaries
  2. Normed Linear Spaces and Banach Spaces
  3. Hilbert Spaces
  4. Spectral Theory and Compact Operators
  5. Distributions
Semester II. The following topics will be covered, as time permits.
  1. The Fourier Transform (3 weeks)
    1. The L1(Rd) Theory
    2. The Schwartz Space Theory
    3. The L2(Rd) Theory
    4. The S′ Theory
    5. Some Applications
  2. Sobolev spaces (4 weeks)
    1. Definitions and Basic Properties
    2. Extensions from Ω to Rd
    3. The Sobolev Embedding Theorem
    4. Compactness
    5. The Hs Sobolev Spaces
    6. A Trace Theorem
    7. The Ws,p(Ω) Sobolev Spaces
  3. Boundary Value Problems (3 weeks)
    1. Second Order Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
    2. A Variational Problem and Minimization of Energy
    3. The Closed Range Theorem and Operators Bounded Below
    4. The Lax-Milgram Theorem
    5. Application to Second Order Elliptic Equations
    6. Galerkin Methods
    7. Green's Functions
  4. Differential Calculus in Banach Spaces (3 weeks)
    1. Differentiation
    2. Fixed Points and Contractive Maps
    3. Nonlinear Equations
    4. Higher Derivatives
    5. Extrema
  5. The Calculus of Variations (2 weeks, if time permits)
    1. The Euler-Lagrange Equations
    2. Constrained Extrema and Lagrange Multipliers
    3. Lower Semi-Continuity and Existence of Minima

The University of Texas at Austin Student Honor Code:

"As a student of The University of Texas at Austin, I shall abide by the core values of the University and uphold academic integrity."

The University of Texas at Austin Code of Conduct:

The core values of The University of Texas at Austin are learning, discovery, freedom, leadership, individual opportunity, and responsibility. Each member of the university is expected to uphold these values through integrity, honesty, trust, fairness, and respect toward peers and community.

Students with Disabilities:

The University provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. Contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4641 TTY, and notify your instructor early in the semester.

Religious Holidays:

Appropriate academic accommodation for major religious holidays is provided upon request.

Emergency Classroom Evacuation:

Occupants of University of Texas buildings are required to evacuate when a fire alarm is activated. Alarm activation or announcement requires exiting and assembling outside. Familiarize yourself with all exit doors of each classroom and building you may occupy. Remember that the nearest exit door may not be the one you used when entering the building. Do not re-enter a building unless given instructions by the Austin Fire Department, the University Police Department, or the Fire Prevention Services office.

Counselling and Mental Health Services:

Available at the Counseling and Mental Health Center, Student Services Building (SSB), 5th floor, M-F 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., phone 512-471-3515, web site www.cmhc.utexas.edu.