8.15: These should follow pretty immediately from the definition of an adjoint. 1(a): Does not converge. (Every coordinate converges to zero, but the sequence is not bounded.) 1(b): Converges weakly to zero. (The sequence is bounded, and every coordinate converges individually to zero.) 1(c): Does not converge. (The sequence is bounded, but the first coordinate does not converge). 2: The sequence does not converge in norm, but it does converge weakly to zero. To prove that the sequence converges weakly, prove that (i) it is bounded, and (ii) the inner product of phi_n with any function exp(inx) is zero, and that all such functions form a basis. 3: When A is self-adjoint, we know that e^(inA) is unitary, so ||e^(inA) u|| = ||u|| for all u. Thus the sequence (u_n) is bounded and since the unit ball is weakly compact, it follows that (u_n) must have a convergence subsequence. 4: This should follow pretty immediately from the definitions of unitary and self-adjoint operators. 5: To prove that A is unbounded, test it against the Fourier basis functions. To determine the infimum, switch to working in Fourier space (using Parseval's formula). Express the effect of A in Fourier space. You should find that A corresponds to multiplication by 100 - 18 n^2 + n^4 (where n is the Fourier index). Factor this to obtain 19 + (9 - n^2)^2 which is strictly positive. The infimum is 19, obtained for instance for u(x) = e^(3ix)/sqrt(2*pi) (since n=3 is the minimizer). The equivalence is proved by proving that there exist finite c and C such that c (1 + n^4) <= 100 - 18 n^2 + n^4 <= C (1 + n^4).